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guides:setup:modset [2018/02/17 16:22]
guides:setup:modset [2022/02/23 15:50] (current)
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-  - Get Arma3Sync from [[ftp://​www.sonsofexiled.fr/​ArmA3/​ArmA3Sync/​releases/​|Sons of Exiled]] or from our mirror [[https://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​arma3sync-installer-1-6-92.exe|here]]. It requires [[http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/​downloads/​java-archive-downloads-javase7-521261.html|Java Runtime Environment]],​ so install that if you don’t have it (there is also a link on the Armaholic page). Careful: the Java installer will prompt you to install the Ask Toolbar. Installing the Ask Toolbar is **not** necessary.+  - Get Arma3Sync from [[http://​www.sonsofexiled.fr/​arma3sync/​releases/​|Sons of Exiled]] or from our mirror [[http://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/arma/3/​arma3sync-installer-1-7-107.exe|here]]. It requires [[https://www.java.com/en/download/|Java Runtime Environment ​8]], so install that if you don’t have it (there is also a link on the Armaholic page). ​**Careful**: the Java installer will prompt you to install the Ask Toolbar. Installing the Ask Toolbar is **not** necessary.
   - Install Arma3Sync with its defaults.   - Install Arma3Sync with its defaults.
   - Navigate to the Arma3Sync directory (it defaults to ''​C:​\Program Files (x86)\ArmA3Sync''​),​ right click on the ''​Arma3Sync.exe'',​ select **"​Properties"​** and check **"Run this program as an administrator"​**.   - Navigate to the Arma3Sync directory (it defaults to ''​C:​\Program Files (x86)\ArmA3Sync''​),​ right click on the ''​Arma3Sync.exe'',​ select **"​Properties"​** and check **"Run this program as an administrator"​**.
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-Add a default addon search directory. Click on the **Addon Options** tab, then the blue plus sign on the right and specify the directory containing your existing @ foldersif any, or where you’d like them to download ​to.+Add a default addon search directory. Click on the **Addon Options** tab, and press the blue plus sign on the right. In this window, you can navigate to wherever you would like to store the addons
-Note, some of the mods we use may be different from versions found elsewhere. For example, in @ace we’ve omitted the ace_aircraft PBO because of conflict with RHS aircraft HUDs or in the RHS AFRF folder we’ve included a hotfix to fix crashing issues with tanks. ​If in doubt, you should store CBB mods in their own folder ​away from any existing mods.+Make a separate folder for the CBB Addonsas some of the mods we use may be different from versions found elsewhere. For example, in @ace we’ve omitted the ace_aircraft PBO because of conflict with RHS aircraft HUDs or in the RHS AFRF folder we’ve included a hotfix to fix crashing issues with tanks. ​Since mods downloaded by the workshop will override mods directly contained ​in the Arma 3 root folderinterference can occur if you keep all of your @addon folders in your Arma 3 root folder.  
 +Many users make a folder called ''​CBB Mods'' ​in their Arma 3 root folder(''​...\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\Arma 3''​) and install our modset there.
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 === Required === === Required ===
-  * **Clear Backblast:​** ''​%%https://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​required/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​+  * **Clear Backblast:​** ''​%%http://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/arma/3/​required/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​
      * The core modset.      * The core modset.
 === Modules === === Modules ===
-  * **ALiVE:** ''​%%https:​//​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​mod_alive/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​ +  * **<color #​ed1c24>​(OUTDATED)<​/color> ​World War 2:**
-  * **ASR AI:** ''​%%https://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​mod_asr/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​ +
-  * **World War 2:** ''​%%https://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​mod_ww2/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​+
 === Optionals === === Optionals ===
   * **Sound Mods**   * **Sound Mods**
-     * **DynaSound:​** ''​%%https://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​opt_dynasound/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​ +     * **Enhanced Soundscape:​**  
-        * __**Not compatible with JSRS4**__ +        * A collection of scripted ​sound effects. 
-     * **Enhanced Soundscape:​** ​''​%%https://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​opt_ess/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​ +     * **JSRS:** 
-        * A collection of sound effects ​to be used with Dynasound or JSRS+
-     * **JSRS4:** ''​%%https://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​opt_dragonfyre/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​ +
-        * __**Not compatible with Dynasound**__+
   * **Immersion**   * **Immersion**
-     * **Immersive:​** ​''​%%https://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​opt_immersive/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​+     * **Immersive:​** ​
         * Includes features like screen shake near explosives, screen shading on weapon recoil, and more. Individual components can be toggled in the ingame Addon Options Menu.         * Includes features like screen shake near explosives, screen shading on weapon recoil, and more. Individual components can be toggled in the ingame Addon Options Menu.
-     * **No Crosshair:​** ​''​%%https://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​opt_nocrosshair/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​+     * **No Crosshair:​** ​
         * What it sounds like, removes the crosshair.         * What it sounds like, removes the crosshair.
   * **Quality of Life**   * **Quality of Life**
-     * **Head Range Plus:​** ​''​%%https://​cdn.clearbackblast.com/​opt_hrp/​.a3s/​autoconfig%%''​+     * **Head Range Plus:​** ​
         * Increases the total range of head rotation, to be used with head tracking setups.         * Increases the total range of head rotation, to be used with head tracking setups.
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 +The Optionals need some extra work right now; bear with us and ping @Erin#7829 if you'd really like to use one.
 {{:​guides:​setup:​arma3sync_repositoryaddbutton.png?​nolink |}} {{:​guides:​setup:​arma3sync_repositoryaddbutton.png?​nolink |}}
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-The repository will open in a new tab. Click the green checkmark to start comparing your destination folder to the Clear Backblast repository.+The repository will open in a new tab. Ensure that you have your desired folder selected on the top drop down menu labeled **"​Default Destination Folder"​**. Click the green checkmark to start comparing your destination folder to the Clear Backblast repository.
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  • Last modified: 7 years ago
  • by Iron