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Directory for all guides maintained by Clear Backblast members.

Setup Guide by Fadi
Steps you through installing and setting up the modset for ArmA 3 using A3Sync.

FNF - Ambush and Counter Ambush by Thendash Instructions on conducting ambushes at a platoon level or smaller.

FNF - Raid by Thendash Instructions on conducting raids at a platoon level or smaller.

Convoy Training Course by BakaKoneko Instructions on conducting convoy operations.

Fireteam Leading by Quex Instructions on performing a FTL role.

Land Navigation by Quex Details on map reading, position finding, and route planning.

RHS PGO-7V3 Optic Diagram by GeorgRavioli Diagram on understanding the PGO-7V3 optic for the RPG.

Basic Infantry SOP by Hoozin A shortened cut of the US Army Ranger Handbook.

ACRE Quick Reference by Toadball of United Operations General reference for basic radio procedure, and common prowords and their uses.

  • Last modified: 7 years ago
  • (external edit)