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guides:guides [2017/01/31 18:21]
guides:guides [2019/01/12 18:24] (current)
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-<​title>​Guides</title>+~~Title: ​Guides~~ 
 +Directory for all guides maintained by Clear Backblast members. 
 +===== ACRE Radio Speakers ===== 
 +[[guides:​ACRESpeakers|ACRE Radio Speakers]] by Hoozin\\ 
 +Instructions on using the AN/PRC-148 AND AN/PRC-152 internal speaker. 
 +===== ACRE Quick Reference ===== 
 +[[guides:​ACREReference|ACRE Reference]]\\ 
 +General reference for basic radio procedure, and common prowords and their uses. 
 +===== Ambushing ===== 
 +[[https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​11Oasru_3rHmAsEgRQh4NO_LFsRSiMEP7SbEsFseXzj8/​edit?​usp=sharing|FNF - Ambush and Counter Ambush]] by Thendash\\ 
 +Instructions on conducting ambushes at a platoon level or smaller. 
 +===== Basic Infantry SOP ===== 
 +[[https://​drive.google.com/​open?​id=1GysMfThMiag34otl7iLop8sM0CIWzCOy8yaTvfKOjkg|Basic Infantry SOP]] by Hoozin\\ 
 +A shortened cut of the US Army Ranger Handbook. 
 +===== Convoys ===== 
 +[[https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1r7GhUuxNFC1eO4WncrtMyJY_nSg971XbeZ3nQKCeMyE/​edit?​usp=sharing|Convoy Training Course]] by BakaKoneko\\ 
 +Instructions on conducting convoy operations. 
 +===== Fireteam Leading ===== 
 +[[https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​17kJsQHVuf1iD8uzkFH_sAlr-GqozOGbSsQSDhPy2aNc/​edit?​usp=sharing|Fireteam Leading]] by Quex\\ 
 +Instructions on performing a FTL role. 
 +===== Land Navigation ===== 
 +[[guides:​land_nav]] by Thendash\\ 
 +Instructions on performing basic map reading and land navigation duties. 
 +===== Map Reading ===== 
 +[[https://​drive.google.com/​open?​id=1EkUiIMpzyEMev6yQYhIM-TSGPzT2AP0N3tO8QKAc8Kg|Map Reading]] by Quex\\ 
 +Details on map reading, position finding, and route planning. 
 +===== Mission Making ===== 
 +[[guides:​MissionMaking|Mission Making]] by GruntBuster7\\ 
 +Mission making introduction and guide. 
 +[[guides:​Simplecache|Simple cache]] by Iron\\ 
 +How to simple cache. 
 +===== Raiding ===== 
 +[[https://​drive.google.com/​open?​id=1K5tqhJIafRmIiXFt3r_t7Xqyzxnl9_iJlYCv0eydtSc|FNF - Raid]] by Thendash\\ 
 +Instructions on conducting raids at a platoon level or smaller. 
 +===== RHS PGO-7V3 Optic Diagram ===== 
 +[[http://​imgur.com/​a/​h0D6p|RHS PGO-7V3 Optic Diagram]] by GeorgRavioli\\ 
 +Diagram on understanding the PGO-7V3 optic for the RPG-7. 
 ===== Setup Guide ===== ===== Setup Guide =====
-[[guides:​setup|Setup Guide]]+[[guides:​setup:home|Setup Guide]] ​by Fadi\\ 
 +Steps you through installing and setting up the modset for ArmA 3 using A3Sync. 
 +===== Aircraft/​JTAC Guide ===== 
 +[[https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1dAK_7MKeuoqy_1nZyY0F9Y-YxIInC65AmZLvxS6HeYw/​edit?​usp=sharing|Aircraft/​JTAC Guide]] by Sekh\\ 
 +Document covering all the airframes in RHS, a basic guide to being a pilot or JTAC, as well as some training documents, helpful videos, and mission overviews.
  • Last modified: 7 years ago
  • (external edit)