
Locality: TODO! Only runs on server

Description: Adds items from framework cargo class to container

Syntax: [ammobox, loadout, set, clearGear, refill, refillTime] call cbb_framework_gear_fnc_setCargoContents

Parameters: [ammobox, loadout, set, clearGear, refill, refillTime] Array

ammobox: Object

loadout: String of Cargo class (optional, default: infantry_fireteam)

set:String of Set (optional, default: west)

clearGear:Bool (optional, default: true) - Clears `ammobox` inventory before filling

refill:Bool (optional, default: false) - Will run function in a loop with refillTime

refillTime:Number (optional, default: 300) - Time between looping function in seconds

Return Value: Nothing

Example 1:

[supplyTruck, "ammoStuff", "rhs_usmc", true, true, 120] call cbb_framework_setCargoContents_fnc_regear //clears the cargo of object named `supplyTruck` and refills with cargo class `ammoStuff` from set `rhs_usmc` every 2 minuets
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by Skeet