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playground:playground [2017/01/31 15:15]
playground:playground [2017/11/22 14:57] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-~~NOTOC~~ +<sxh cpp; Title: config.cpp ​
-====== Main Page ====== +class CfgPatches 
-<WRAP column 80%+{ 
-<WRAP column> + class cbb_compat_sma3 
-{{:​playground:​man.png?​nolink&​200|}} +
-</​WRAP>​ + name = "CBB Compatibility Iaksky SMA3";​ 
-<WRAP round box column 50%> + units[] = {}
-//​**__ ​Clear Backblast ​__**//+ weapons[] = {}; 
 + requiredVersion = 0.1; 
 + requiredAddons[] = {"​cbb_a3_core","​iansky_opt"​};​ 
 + author = "Clear Backblast!"; 
 + Url = "http://www.reddit.com/​r/​clearbackblast/";​ 
 + addonRootClass = "​A3_Characters_F";​ 
 + }; 
-Clear Backblast! is a reddit based group that plays the ArmA series. 
-We strive to be an open and approachable community where fun takes priority in all of our gamesWhether our realism-focused Saturday missionsor relaxed impromptu manshoots.+class ItemCore; 
 +class CfgWeapons { 
 + class iansky_nfbeast : ItemCore { 
 + ACE_ScopeAdjust_Horizontal[] = {-6,6}; 
 + ACE_ScopeAdjust_HorizontalIncrement = 0.1; 
 + ACE_ScopeAdjust_Vertical[] = {-4,30}; 
 + ACE_ScopeAdjust_VerticalIncrement = 0.1; 
 + }; 
-Our primary event takes place on Saturdays at 2100 GMTWhile this may not be convenient for everyoneit is the best compromise that works for players across the USEU and Oceania regions.+<sxh sqf; Title: init.sqf> 
 +_args params['​_weaponClass','​_weaponName','​_weaponPath'​];​
-Each Saturday mission will include a countdown timer that adjusts that time to your local timezone. +private _actions = []; 
-\\ +private _magazines ​_weaponClass call cbb_vehiclereloading_fnc_getWeaponMagazines;​
-\\ +
-\\ +
-</​WRAP>​ +
-<WRAP round box> +
-===== Joining ===== +
-There is no formal "​joining"​ or "​application"​ process.+
-Anyone is free to jump in and take part in any impromptu weekday sessions. For Saturday games we like you to fill out a brief Google Docs questionnaire first. Besides getting a basic headcount of those who've played with usit's a good way to determine the level of familiarity of players with the basics of ArmAACEACREand whether or not they need to be put in a team with some more experienced players for their first Saturday.+
 + _x params['​_class','​_name'​];​ 
 + private _action = [ 
 + _class, 
 + _name, 
 + "",​ 
 + {}, 
 + {true}, 
 + _this call cbb_vehiclereloading_fnc_actions_getLoadActions;​ 
 + _this call BIS_fnc_returnGroupComposition;​ 
 + }, 
 + [_weaponClass,​_weaponPath,_class] 
 + ] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;​ 
 + _actions pushBack [_action,[],_vic]; 
 +} foreach _magazines;​ 
 +~~Title: Mission Making~~ 
 +<div group>
-**[[joining|...read more...]]** +<div box column 33% h250> 
-</WRAP> +<a arma_editing:​missions:​home>​ 
-<WRAP clear></​WRAP>+===== Getting Started ===== 
 +  ​* [[:​arma_editing:​missions:​intro|Introduction]] 
 +  ​[[:​arma_editing:​missions:​editor|Editor Basics]] 
-<WRAP round box download ​column ​30%> +<div box column ​32h250
-===== Setup ===== +===== CBB Mission Framework ​===== 
-The mod manager Arma3Sync the whole process of getting set up fairly simple. +  * [[:​arma_editing:​missions:​framework:​framework|Introduction]] 
-\\ +  * [[:​arma_editing:​missions:​framework:​briefing|Mission Briefing]] 
-\\ +  * [[:​arma_editing:​missions:​framework:​gear|Gear Loadout]] 
-**[[setup|Setup Guide]]** +  * [[:​arma_editing:​missions:​framework:​briefing|Mission Briefing]] 
-</WRAP>+  ​[[:​arma_editing:​missions:​framework:​settings|Framework Settings]] 
-<WRAP round box column ​30%> +<div box column ​32h250
-===== Guides ​===== +===== Mission Finalizing ​===== 
-We have some guides that you may find useful: +  * [[arma_editing:​missions:​mission_checklist|Mission Checklist]] 
-  * Guide 1 +  * [[arma_editing:​missions:​mission_post_example]] 
-  * Guide 2 +</div>
-  * Guide 3 +
-  * etc +
-</​WRAP>​ +
  • Last modified: 7 years ago
  • (external edit)